About us
The Kanyevsky’s scientifical school was adopted in USSR, in Ukraine, and in abroad. The founder of this school led it in NTUU “KPI” till his death in 2001.
At present the school and the laboratory are named in the honour of Prof. Yuri Stanislavovich Kanyevsky by his name. The Associate Professor, Doctor of Science Anatolij Mikhailovich Sergiyenko, which was the Kanyevski’s student is the leader of the laboratory.
→ Kanyevski’s laboratory. Publications (in English)
→ Kanyevski’s laboratory. Masters theses (in English)
→ Associate Professor Anatolij Mikhailovich Sergiyenko
→ Professor Kanyevsky and his scientific school
faculty: → http://fiot.kpi.ua/
department: → http://comsys.kpi.ua/
Associate Professor Anatolij Mikhailovich Sergiyenko.

Born – 1958 in the city of Kiev.
In 1975 he entered the Kiev Polytechnic Institute at the Computer Engineering Department of Automation and Electrical Appliance Faculty (now FIOT).
In 1981 he defended a diploma with honors in the specialty “Electronic computers”, and graduated from KPI. But beginning that year he has been working at the NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI” at the Computer Engineering Department till now.
Scope of the scientific activity is development of application specific digital signal processors.
After graduating from the postgraduate studies, he defended his thesis for the degree of a candidate of technical sciences on the topic: “Methodology of designing and structural organization of computing devices adapted to the signal processing” (1991). The purpose of the work is an effective method of structural synthesis of application specific pipelined devices, which are optimized for hardware-time costs and implement the high-speed digital signal processing.
In 2011 he defended a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences on the topic: “Models, methods and means of synthesis of computing systems for the data flow processing”. The purpose of the dissertation work is to increase the efficiency of mapping the algorithms for the data flow processing into the parallel computing devices, which are implemented in both FPGAs and multiprocessor systems. Below the reference to the dissertation’s abridged theses are given.
Now he is Senior Researcher, Associate Professor of the Computer Engineering Department of the NTUU “Igor Sikorsky KPI”.
The direction of scientific work is “High-level synthesis of computing systems for implementation of digital signal processing algorithms”. The task of the laboratory is the development and research of application-specific FPGA-based processors.
To date, Sergienko Anatoliy Mikhailovich, Dr. Sc., is the leader of the laboratory of the name of Professor Yuri Stanislavovich Kanyevsky.
Scientific interests:
• Mapping the algorithms for data processing in hardware and software
• FPGA design automatization
• Application-specific processors for the linear algebra problem solving
• Digital processing of ultrasonic signals
• Algorithms and hardware for the compression of signals and images
• Algorithms and hardware for the image processing and pattern recognition
• FPGA network processors.
Teaches the courses:
• Algorithms and data structures
• Computer design technologies
• Computer system reliability
• Fundamentals of computer design
• Computer circuitry
• Computer architecture
• Theory of electric circles
• Discrete mathematics
He is the author of 183 scientific works, has 22 certificates of authorship, was awarded the Sign “Inventor of the USSR” (1988).
The author of 2 textbooks, 1 monograph.
E-mail: aser@comsys.kpi.ua
FB’s personal page: Anatoliy Sergiyenko
Manages FB page “Interested in VHDL”
The dissertation. Abstract:
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Professor Kanyevsky and his scientific school.

Pr. Kanyevsky was born in Skadovsk(Ukraine)on April 16,1939.
High school: Polytechnic University of Kiev( Ukrain). Diploma in ingineering – Technische Universitat Dresden (Dresden University of Technology )/Germany. Faculty of Electronics, 1963.
Kandidat of Technical Sciences (Ph.D):Polytechnic University of Kiev( Ukrain).Faculty of Authomatics and Computer Sciences, 1970.
Doctor of Technical Sciences (Dr.Sc) Polytechnic University of Kiev( Ukrain).Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences, 1991 г.
Alma mater: Polytechnic University of Kiev( Ukrain).
Institutions: Polytechnic University of Kiev( Ukrain).(1963-1996)
Polytechnic University of Koshalyn (Poland).(1996-2001)
Fields: Electronics, Computer Sciences.
Publications: 328 sientific works.
Died: January 14, 2001.
Scientific direction – High Level Synthesis of Computer Systems
Prof. Yuri Stanislavovich Kanyevsky was the head of the Application Specific Processor Laboratory. He has founded this laboratory at the Computer Engineering Department of KPI in 1976.
Several tenths of experimental high-speed parallel DSP computer systems were designed in the laboratory by the leadership of the Docent and then of the Professor Kanyevsky.
Prof. Kanyevsky was the leader of the scientific direction “Methods and Tools for Mapping Parallel Algorithms into Computer Systems”. This direction was transformed into “High Level Synthesis of Computer Systems for Periodic Algorithm Implementation”
He was the principal advisor of 10 candidates of science (PhD) and 2 doctors of science. He had published 324 scientific-technical papers, 4 books. And he was the coauthor of 139 patents.
For that period a set of specialized computers based on the modern integral circuits was designed which solved complex computational tasks in real time. These computers had the characteristics which were comparable to ones of the best processors over the world.
The processor design experience was described in a set of methods for such a processor synthesis. Originality and effectiveness of the methods were shown in a set of dissertations and patents.
Every year several students were taught at the Kanyevski’s laboratory. They prepared the diploma and master degree works which are connected with the real processor development.